My blog
is about motherhood and how you can combine your favorite work and motherhood with 2 children.
And also it is about photography, raising children, comfort and repairs, self-employment and self-development
I am a professional photographer, cooperation with me isn’t only promoting your brand, but also high-quality content
Examples of cooperation
Photo printing is a decor that will remind you of the most important thing…
Let’s believe in miracles like children and create them ourselves — with our care and kindness to loved ones, relatives and even strangers…
“Katya, is it hard to shoot your children?”
It’s hard to shoot children in general…
Why print photos?
We have become accustomed to the digital format of life that we rarely print photos…
Our first family vacation and my first Egypt.
There were 2 options for vacation: the UAE or Egypt…
I will leave a piece of memories in the feed!
Our first family vacation with children at the sea…
Instagram profile stats
6 268 subscribers
Other countries-3.6%
95,6% female
25-44 years old,
interested in fashion, personal care, tasty and healthy recipes
1 000 — 5 000 reach
Average reach of posts in the last 3 months Stories reach 1.000-1.500
3-4 stories with an overview of a product or service, an active link to a profile or website. More stories — a higher price
Mini giveaway in Stories with an account subscription if the brand provides a prize
Post and stories with a link to the brand in the text and/or a tag on the photo. Text and photos are prepared according to the terms of reference from the customer and are agreed upon before publication
Test drive, giveaway with special conditions, long-term cooperation options are discussed personally